Vessel Surveyors, MWS and
Marine Consultants
Marine Warranty Surveyors and Marine Consultants

MWS services are available directly or through third party company to companies. At Marine Sea Services, we provide independent third-party review and approval within the renewables and civil marine projects. Approving documentation, procedures, suitability surveys, audits and approval of vessels involved.
Marine Consultancy activities
At Marine Sea Services, we have a very flexible hands-on approach in the offering of consultancy services and have been regularly contracted by large organisations to over sea the following:
New builds (regular attendance throughout the vessel build to monitor quality, timelines and to deal with and presented issues)
Refits (regular attendance throughout the vessel build to monitor quality, upgrades, change of use, timelines and to deal with and presented issues)
Owner representation for Class, Insurance and other surveys.
*We have good relationships with a vast number of third party companies and can assist in organising their attendance for works/preparation prior to class surveys.
Contacts us at Marine Sea Services to discuss your requirements.
